Christophe Van Hostauijen is a designer, composer, and director. He is the founder of Thinklight.

Patrik Claes is a scientist, musician, and actor. He is the founder of Spelenderwijzer.

Elke is a singer, actress, dramatist, drama teacher at ‘academie Wilrijk’ and an independent speech and voice therapist/coach. Elke creates musical theatre with B.E.E.S.T.

Joep Conjaerts is a singer, songwriter, musician, actor, and dramatist.
Joep creates musical theatre with groups such as TSUNAMI TSUNAMI and B.E.E.S.T.

Botram is the musical project of Jef DauwHe is the founder of Infrasonic Wave Lab.

David Simons and Wouter Konings form the creative duo behind IntrospektDavid is not only a music producer but also a graffiti artist. You can hire him for workshops and custom-made murals.


Kurt de Ruijter is the artistic leader and manager at Alles Loopt Op Rolletjes vzw.

Maarten Goedemé is CEO of Freestyletalent, an organisation creating customized shows.

Elke Van de Casteele is an acrobate/fire artist and the founder of Chaque. She’s 1 of the 2 performers of Paradoeuf.

Katrijn De Wilde is a freelance handbalancer at all kinds of events such as fairs, festivals, celebrations,… She’s 1 of the 2 performers of Paradoeuf.

Joke Van de Casteele is a costume designer. She does this, among other theater groups, both for B.E.E.S.T. and Paradoeuf.

Record & Playground has already collaborated with many people. Too many to mention. With the individuals mentioned above, R&P maintains sustainable collaborations.
Of course, R&P hopes to work with even more people in the future. Maybe with you?

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