Christophe Van Hostauijen is a designer, composer, and director. He is the founder of Thinklight.

Patrik Claes is a scientist, musician, and actor. He is the founder of Spelenderwijzer.

Elke is a singer, actress, dramatist, drama teacher at ‘academie Wilrijk’ and an independent speech and voice therapist/coach. Elke creates musical theatre with B.E.E.S.T.

Joep Conjaerts is a singer, songwriter, musician, actor, and dramatist.
Joep creates musical theatre with groups such as TSUNAMI TSUNAMI and B.E.E.S.T.

Botram is the musical project of Jef DauwHe is the founder of Infrasonic Wave Lab and 1 half of Attaboy.

David Simons and Wouter Konings form the creative duo behind IntrospektDavid is not only a music producer but also a graffiti artist. You can hire him for workshops and custom-made murals.


Kurt de Ruijter is the artistic leader and manager at Alles Loopt Op Rolletjes vzw.

Maarten Goedemé is CEO of Freestyletalent & Promotime.

Elke Van de Casteele is an acrobate/fire artist and the founder of Chaque. She’s 1 of the 2 performers of Paradoeuf.

Katrijn De Wilde is a freelance handbalancer at all kinds of events such as fairs, festivals, celebrations,… She’s 1 of the 2 performers of Paradoeuf.

Joke Van de Casteele is a costume designer. She does this, among other theater groups, both for B.E.E.S.T. and Paradoeuf.

Record & Playground has already collaborated with many people. Too many to mention. With the individuals mentioned above, R&P maintains sustainable collaborations.
Of course, R&P hopes to work with even more people in the future. Maybe with you?

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